Thursday, November 27, 2008

Much to be thankful for


Recently I had the privilege to provide publication design for Antix Press' launch graphic novel Dr. Grave and the Unholy Twelve by Ed Clayton. It was a fun project and Ed & the guys at Antix were a great bunch of folks to work with. So please stop by your local comic book shop and pick it up or buy it here at Amazon because I would like to work for these guys again! 
Here are a couple of pieces I contributed to but ultimately weren't added to the book. The first is a pinup drawing by Ed that I contributed some photoshop richness to. The second is a pin up contributed by Brian Churilla which I had added tones to. Unfortunately for me, they wound up just publishing the version with just his inks cause I would have loved to have been able to say that I worked on a Brian Churilla pinup. The last piece is a rejected chapter lead in I made.

In other work, I designed the label for a brand new ice cream company. They asked specifically for it to be adorned with some dreaming cherubs so I made this for the label.

Unfortunately, they said they wanted something more mature. I wasn't sure how to make cherubs more mature so I put this sketch together.
 Apparently they didn't go for that either, but ultimately I was able to give a label they were happy with.

Lastly, earlier this week I broke a new milestone. I weighed in at 198lbs, breaking out of the 200s for the first time since I was in highschool. I still got alot I need to lose so now I need to figure out what my next goal is!


Alex Deligiannis said...

Congrats all around. Much to be thankful for, indeed!

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